Content Marketing, Blog

CopyWriting for Beginners – 7 Steps to Get Started

copyrwiting for beginer Get Stared With No Experience

How to start CopyWriting for beginners with no experience? If you want to be a good freelance writer, copywriting is one of the most important skills.

Thus, if you have a blueprint which guides your copywriting process, it has two merits; time saving and making your copy more persuasive.

However, remember that copywriting is the art of writing something interesting for the readers and the best in it refers to your message.

The initial stages of any beginner’s copywrite involves starting with a hot topic currently trending.

  •  Understand what you are writing about.
  •  The focus could be on either products or services.

And this requires a 3-step copying strategy:

  1. Research information before writing.
  2. Create an article.
  3. Edit and proofread.

Now that we have looked at how to plan and prepare for copywriting, you will always have ideas and easy writing time.

CopyWriting for Beginners Research Process

Convincing people to believe in whatever you write is the first thing you must do.

It’s statistics, graphs, and evidence of social acceptance that make a successful piece of copywriting.

A great moment comes when they understand what customers need and want. What are their challenges? What dreams give them sleepless nights? What steps should they follow to solve these problems?

Below is how to research for a copy-write: 

1. Who is your Ideal Reader ?

As a start point, it’s essential to comprehend what ideal reader concept means? That’s your future customer. The one you desire and will serve.

Understanding who the ideal reader is marks the most important step in your sales journey. All subsequent strategies are based on meeting this person’s requirements.

Imagine about your business.

You may as an example wish to open a boutique; you have seen some beautiful premises on a busy street.

What should be done next? An eye-catching interior design? Getting many suppliers of product samples? Hiring sales personnel? Getting marketing team members? Making out lists of items for sale? Deciding on the main product?

“Uhmm”… Not quite sure!

Because actually, what matters most are the customers themselves. Before deciding on which products to trade in, one needs to take care of them. Who are they—men or women? How old are they today and how well-off do they feel themselves?

Yes, your store could still be there but without “high profits” if you don’t know exactly who your ideal customer is?

However, before writing any copywriting content for beginer like above case study – do you know who reads it or why somebody would ignore millions other articles looking for specifically this suggestion written by yourself requires special reasons?

Without understanding these two things whatever article you author will go into several directions and eventually sink within blogosphere without leaving any trace.

You might not have been informed that while searching for an audience of your piece, you shall draw a portrait for them as one ideal reader rather than a group of people.

Why is it like this?

CopyWriting for Beginners - Your reader face in Copywriting
CopyWriting for Beginners - Your reader face in Copywriting

Imagine standing in front of nameless people, each with their own characteristics. They shout. Hence, to make them adhere to your advice collectively becomes a near-impossible task. You just speak into a microphone trying to address the chaos in which masses are scattered all over the place.

So the best way of relating with readers is by envisioning only one ideal reader. Through this, you can understand their sufferings; anxieties tormenting them inside and what they would dearly cherish.

Basically, anyone whose features correspond to those of a single ideal client will feel like you have written about him or her and are able to sympathize with him or her.

Now imagine that you are talking directly to the exact person using your eyes closed. How do you feel? Are they looking at your face? Is there smile on theirs? Do they nod their heads or tap on your body gently? Do they cross their arms across chests or simply link their fingers together?

To write conversationally and appealingly, try seeing the reader’s face even if it is difficult sometimes.

What should be done then?

Firstly, create an image of the dream customer who would really enjoy working with you.

That’s John Smith. He is a man between the ages of 23 and 27. He has a degree in computer science. Currently, he is employed and interested in outdoor activities like hiking, camping, etc. Furthermore, he is enthusiastic about acquiring new programming languages and developing his coding skills.

Then, print that picture and stick it beside your computer or wherever you write from. You will be amazed at the value of this act; your writing will end up being much more delightful and engaging. You would be surprised how easy it is to win over ideal customers through a mere photo.

Give a detailed profile for your perfect audience

Make a list of everything you know about them once you have an image in mind of who you consider to be the perfect customer, as many details as possible.

It should look like a resume that helps you see exactly who the person is going to be. This way, while writing, one can relate with them on an emotional level.

Information such as:

your perfect audience profile
  • Name
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Profession
  • Income level
  • Level of education
  • Name
  • Do they have children?
  • What kind of car do they drive?
  • Favorite music band/singer/group …
  • And even what papers do they read?
  • Etc.

Remember: Don’t talk to nameless crowd. Instead connect with one person emotionally. That’s your ideal reader and eventually, they will turn into your loyal customers.

2. What Customers Must Do

What customers must do is to make moves towards their dreams

You should know what your clients have tried out before? Why did those alternatives fail?

Here are some ideas for you to understand how exactly customer’s needs can be determined:

  • Start with a benefit of the customer, this will tell you what they need to do. This is how a task is done.
  • Keep asking “what needs to be done to _[achieve a specific benefit]” in repetition through various layers.

Want an example?

How do I hold hands with my girlfriend on the first date?” What needs to be done in order not to act stupid? How do I stay calm? What needs to be done so that I take ten deep breaths?…

This action requires a verb or a word which shows movement. Therefore, ask yourself-what does the reader want to do, and what actions should he/she take?

Tiger Woods’ golf club grip. A method for hitting long shots with clubs…

3. Which Specific Thing Do You Want Customers To Do?

Each piece of copywriting has a different goal.

What is it you want customers to do?


    • Leave personal details such as emails and phone numbers.
    • Download a document.
    • Request for a quote.
    • Add to cart.
    • Make an immediate purchase.

One of these actions, depending on the content you have written, will be desired. Be careful with the language you use and how you present your writing so that customers can take action in line with your objective.

Whatever it is, make sure that the writing and calls to action are strong, direct and easily understood. If your writing lacks clarity, then customers will desert you before giving any response whatsoever.

4. CopyWriting for Beginners - Why Should anyone care about Your Products or Services?

In copywriting specially in CopyWriting for Beginners, you must know what matters most to your customers first before embarking on writing it for them

But why should I care?

Because this will enable you understand clearly the desires of the customer as well as how best to cater for their needs

When dealing with products, customers demand for effectiveness and simplicity of use. They need assurance that the product would address their problem and worth their money. In other words focus on benefits rather than features which means putting down all feature set through turning them into benefits. Benefits explain why your customer cares about that feature

While talking about services; timeliness and quality mean everything to clients. Customers would like to contact you in case they are facing some problem or not

Knowing what interests clients are important when expressing their needs and wants hence helping one write better as well as establish their brand reliable source of information or assistance.

5. Why Do Customers Trust You?

When you write sales pitches, why is it that customers trust you? If only you could know your customers better and thus build their confidence in your blogs by providing great content to aid them make purchases.

First and foremost, customers trust you because you are a specialist at what you do. You might be an expert on the topic, whom readers would think has quality information like an industry expert.

Secondly, customers place trust in your hands due to your commitment towards offering value. This will ensure that as readers go through your posts they are certain no product advertisements are involved thus making decisions free of any influences from any source that may lead to bias.

Lastly, clients trust you since you can be counted upon. Your readers know that what they get from your website is not spam or advertising since they recognize this fine professional line between spamming and sharing useful information with potential buyers.

There’s nothing more persuasive than backing up your claims with evidence. Evidence can be classified into two categories:

5.1 Recommendations from Customers

This is the most powerful evidence for showing how your product/service solves customer problems. Ask for feedback on the quality of these products/services if their needs have been met by those who bought them.

5.2 Certificates

A document or certification issued by a recognized agency also helps in building trust among the audience.

Therefore, give some solid proof about your assertions so as to make copywriting more compelling.

6. What Obstacles Make Customers Reject You?

In copywriting, you must know what matters most to your customers first before embarking on writing it for them

Customers want to buy but fear being sold to. They’re always ready to provide some logical explanations as to why not!

Hence, silencing customer objections immediately seeks getting them persuaded into buying a product now.

Thus if its price seems exorbitant then show how valuable it is compared to what client expects whereas when it comes across as “too” complex then let clear directions be provided.If people feel that downloading a particular app takes much time then tell them how long it takes to install.

To be certain why potential customers are hesitant about buying from you, consider the process of going through your ideal reader profile.

What do they want? What is their pain? How can that pain be solved?

Put Your Article Together

Imagine you are assembling LEGO blocks to form a complete picture. This is what copywriting is like, and every piece of data becomes a LEGO brick.

Then it is just putting the information together to create an entire article after all the input needed for the same has been gotten.

You have everything you need. Now put it in order and:

  • Make sentences that will attract readers using language.
  • Build concise paragraphs so that reading takes less time.
  • Inserting images, videos, numbers, testimonials which makes your piece more credible.
  • Elaborate product benefits by detailing its features.
  • Move through your text smoothly with transitional words and phrases as guides on where to go next while linking thoughts.
  • Use metaphors to make pictures brighter and add effect to your mind’s eye.
  • Ensure that strong calls-to-action convey precise and unique messages only. 
  • Again, it should be remembered that 95% of consumers buy from their emotional side when making purchasing decisions. This part of writing prompt speaks directly about giving your customers or target customers some emotional feeling so they can engage mentally with your brand name. 
  • Finally, use conspicuous rhythm rule three times in one sentence. 
  • Furthermore, there should be many strong verbs in copywriting because they boost overall customer experience. 

7. Read & Rewrite again

Depend on how much you know about the product, how long it takes for you to find input information and how complicated your product is that will determine how much time it takes to write good copywriting.

For instance, a simple product description may take just a few hours while writing about an expensive complex product could stretch into several days or even weeks.

However, no matter its duration upon completion of copywriting reviewing and editing mistakes is necessary in order to perfect your work. That is as follows;

Step 1: Review the writing

Is all the social evidence, numbers and persuasive reasoning that a reader needs fully captured within the article? What is more are the details put in correct order according to reverse pyramid protocol?

Step 2: Editing errors

When editing copywriting, many people often underestimate this important aspect. They read through their piece immediately after they are through with it trying to correct grammar spelling sentence structure and so forth….

This isn’t bad at all.

But if you want to create an exciting experience and inject numerous creative ideas into your article—STOP doing this straightaway!

Instead hold off for two or three days before reading through your document again. I’m telling you: an array of wonderful ideas will just hit your head. You’ll see your copywriting afresh. You’ll have more valid points of convincing your audience.

I can vouch for this as a useful exercise—for me at least. I mean, what’s true for me won’t be different from what’s real for YOU too – trust me!

What attributes make a good copywriting?

Consider what prompted you to buy something after reading some copy last.

Was it like a friendly chat? Was it the detailed benefits of the product that were presented? Or was it just the unvarnished truth about the benefits of a service or product?

Uh huh.

Revisit that piece of copy now. You will discover that writer really knows you well. They know your desires, aspirations, and even remove any objections you may have.

Thus, good copy should be person-centered, interesting, attention-grabbing and persuasive.”

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